Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't Beat Up Rihanna

You know what I'm sick of? People's opinions about Rihanna and Chris Brown. I'm sick of hearing about this. It's not so much that I’m sick of hearing that it occurred, nor hearing about what the latest is on their relationship, but rather, I’m sick of everyone who seems to know what is right and what is wrong. Now don't get me wrong here, hitting a woman is about as right as microwaving kittens, I'm not saying that what he did is fine, nor am I saying that if she did it, would it be okay, it's never okay to hit a person. I want to make that clear before I continue.

I was listening to the radio today and found out that Diddy (or P-Diddy, whichever he goes by these days) is lending out his home so that Rihanna and Chris can have a place to get away from the media and discuss this. Apparently Diddy is Satan for doing this. And I quote the voices heard from my car speaking this morning "If he was a true friend, Diddy wouldn't even allow Rihanna within 100 yards of Chris brown". Yes, that's right, it's apparently Diddy's fault now. I don't know about you, but I think that Diddy allowing them to try to rectify the situation, and give up his home as a therapeutic place of resolution is rather honourable of him. And since when was Rihanna kidnapped and forced to go to Diddy's house, I'm pretty sure this was a voluntary action.

Diddy, on the Ellen Show, also made mention that we are to "pray" for Chris and Rihanna as they attempt to get through these hard times; expressing that life is often cruel and that even the best of relationships often have ugly patches. I’m aware that this patch is uglier than most, arguably the worst thing that could happen to a person in a relationship, and once again, I'm not saying that striking a woman is a reasonable action; it's not! We don't know what happened that night, and we don't know what happened every day leading up to that night, nor the days thereafter. We don't know the emotional bond these two share, nor do we know what they are thinking or feeling, so why then do so many feel it is their place to cast the first stone?

We have all experienced situations in which we question our partners. Perhaps it didn't involve physical abuse, but there is more than one reason to walk away from a relationship. Everyone seems to support the “Leave Him” approach, but what does not seem to occur to anyone is that perhaps Rihanna sees things differently than the ‘media’ - and therefore the rest of the world that is oh so quick to judge. The media will forever label Chris as a ‘beater’ and “once a beater, always a beater”. Maybe, just maybe, she believes people can change, that people can learn, and that people make mistakes in life that they wouldn’t dare repeat again. We've all been down that road and back, and perchance even to this degree, but regardless we have all been victims just as we have all been transgressors; we've all done things we believed we were incapable of.

For all we know, (because not a one of us does know), Rihanna sees what no one else appears to see, that it was a mistake.. not a character trait. I’m not defending Chris Brown, there is no justifying his actions, but Rihanna is a big girl now boys and girls, and she can leave whenever she wants; if she hasn't yet, there is clearly a reason. But you're right, maybe Sally from Minnesota knows what's best for Rihanna, after all her opinion is clearly correct. I'm not Rihanna, and I'm not Chris Brown, and because I'm neither of them, I say let them make their own decision. Or we could just blame Diddy.

-From the mind of JRL with added inspiration from Angie.
P.S. Visit Angie’s Loung

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