Tuesday, February 23, 2010

There are Always Other Fish In the River

The day was typical, at least so it would seem. The sun was beginning to set over the cityscape, and the hot humid day of the early summer was slowly cooling down as the day drew to an end. I was one of the few still left on the beach, taking in each possible minute of sunlight that remained. As I grabbed my shirt and shoes I began to make my way home when my phone rang; it was no longer a typical day… at least not for me; for the unluckiest person in town, however, this was a typical day.

I never really considered the city to be very big, nor was it very confusing. There were farmlands, and suburbs, and a small central core to the city; although it was a city, it was diverse enough to avoid getting lost, at least so I thought. My friend had only recently moved here and was delighted to explore the city. Within a weekend, I had shown my friend the sights and sounds that were worth seeing and hearing, the foods worth tasting, and the places worth visiting. With all that the city had to offer, there was no reason to venture too far away. Within a month or two my comrade was well stocked with friends. One such evening, I was told of an outing; a relaxing evening by the edge of the river with drinks and snacks. I had passed on the opportunity as I already had plans that evening, plans I would learn would be cut short with the sound of my ring tone.

The sky was clear and cooling quickly with the fading sun. My unfortunate friend was somehow left alone along the riverbanks on the outskirts of town; an disastrous miscommunication I was told was at fault. The river ran through the entire city from west to east, although I was not completely certain, I assumed my friend was in the east end of town, where the river grew wider. As the city lights dimmed in the rear view mirror the highway began to merge with the calm river waters. It would be a difficult search, but I would find my friend.

The sun had long set, and there sat my friend and the rocky shores of the river. Alone, and without a sweater I could see my friend was no was not as happy as those back in the heart of the city. My friend lay motionless, in the sand, head back staring at the darkening night sky.

“It took me forever to find you; there is a lot of river to follow.” I said. There was no response. “Well, let’s get you back where you belong.” With that my friend stepped into the car, not a word need be said by the unluckiest person in town.

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