That’s basically about what I’m doing. I really don’t have an opinion on anything, well nothing that would really be relevant to the “theme” of my blog page at least. I mean I suppose I could just rant about football or something, but really, that’s not why I made this page. I made it so you the reader (ahahahahahah what reader) could enjoy my work and my dip into the insanity and nonsense that is my mind.
So where do I start, ummm, lets see; dolphins. Awesome creatures. Mother nature, way to go buddy! Good work on these little buggers - Super smart, really fun, not to mention interesting enough that we managed to make a television series with a dolphin as the star.
Speaking of flipper, who ever came up with the idea for a show involving a dolphin? I can only imagine the discussion in the board room at NBC
“We need a new show idea and we need one for this fall season”
“Well the beach boys are big, maybe me can make a show about surfing”
“No no, that will never fly it’s too cliché and mindless, but the beach, I like that”
“We need something fun, something that will yell ‘hey kids watch this show it’s better than all the other shows on tv’”
“I’ve got it lets make a show about a dolphin, in Miami, with good looking trainers!”
“Brilliant!!! But wait, how will we get the dolphin to do what we want”
“Simple; we will use 5 female dolphins for most of the interactions and tricks, and we will get a more powerful male dolphin to do what I like to call “the tail walk””
“I like it….but wait, I’m still not convinced. How will the dolphin talk?”
“Well, she won’t. But we’ll just replace the dolphin’s voice with that of a bird!”
“Perfect, lets run it!”
Makes you wonder how they came up with that farfetched idea in the 60’s? Hmmm.
Man, how times at NBC have changed (NBC please don’t sue me! I enjoy your primetime programming and your Olympic coverage is supreme….seriously don’t sue me, I’ll keep pitching your station if it keeps me out of hot water…no pun intended)
Gotta hand it to them, they got 3 years of programming out of it.
So what’s next on the list that I’m making up as I go along… oh eggs.
Why do the egg farmers of wherever insist on pushing eggs as being more than a breakfast food. Truly, I do understand the benefits of eggs. They are a great source of calcium, vitamins, and provide a substantial amount of energy, but really, for dinner? Yes yes, you can mix eggs with almost any dish to spice it up, but perhaps I’m simply too traditional to enjoy eggs beyond noon. At 8pm when I’m thinking “what would satisfy me right now”, eggs, well they simply are not the first (or second) thing that comes to my mind. So why then do you try and tell me that eggs are great for dinner. I want my steak, my potatoes, my hamburgers, my onion rings, my carrots, my whisky chicken, my eggs, wait no.. no eggs. Shame on you egg farmers of wherever for trying to convince me that eggs are as tasty when the sun goes down as when the sun comes up. Now if only I had more time in the morning to cook them.
What’s the deal with movie theater popcorn. How did they make it so tasty? Personally, I’m convinced it’s completely psychological. They use the exact same machines at sporting arenas and such, and really, lets face it, popcorn at the arenas isn’t as good as at the theater. I once believed Little Debbie put nicotine in their snake cakes, which is what made them so delicious and irresistible as a child. I would eat a whole box because I simply couldn’t put them down. (This isn’t true, so again I’m going to ask that Little Debbie not to sue me) Perhaps movie theater popcorn has these same “nicotine” properties, infused in the butter they use. I don’t know. I personally never order the popcorn, but that’s because it costs more than the ticket to get in.
Why do people like coffee so much. Like really, it tastes like crap and is terrible for you. And for all you that have become a slave to coffee, shame on you. But my questions is, who out there drank coffee for the first time and was like “Oh my God, this is delicious, this bean made brew is superb. I need to consume as much of this as I possibly can. Wow, it’s like the more I drink the better I feel, oh wait, I’m crashing…” *sip* “Hey it works almost instantly. Good God this is the worlds greatest creation.” Not sure who, if anyone, would even say that, but that’s my interpretations of coffee drinkers. Yes, I’m a jerk like that. Now if you will excuse me, I’m going to have a cup of tea before my shift end. Speaking of which… Earl Grey, not British.. Chinese. Go figure eh!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
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1 comment:
Flipper... that's totally hilarious and true.
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